Formation Balmont

Accueil > Formations > Training in english > Management skills Stage 1

Management skills Stage 1

Educational methods

During this training, the participant transposes specific situations to become aware enough to go for change. The participant can freely express himself (herself) on one's capabilities and difficulties. He(she) quickly and efficiently integrates this training as practical exercises and various situation scenarios make it a positive model. Also video testimonials of managers from other companies allow to share the vision of the other managers / project managers.

Educational objectives

Understand the basic missions of the manager
Acquire reflexes to optimize one's mode of communication and its management style
Identify effective and ineffective attitudes<

Detailed Program

1. Understand the stakes in the manager's role and responsibility

    ¥ The manager: from captain to conductor

    ¥ The essential functions and responsibilities : the role, mission and skills

    ¥ To position as a leader when taking office

    ¥ Testimony of a leader

Live situations: Self presentation as a Manager and sharing one's vision with the team

2. The styles of Leadership adapted to the non hierarchical Management

    ¥ The situational Management

    ¥ Four Management styles and their specificities

Auto-diagnosis of one's dominant style

3. Build a project team logic

    ¥ For a meaningful project

    ¥ Define collective and individual objectives and their criteria SMART

    ¥ Manage the interactions and strengthen the team cohesion

    ¥ The informal and formal situations of Communication

4. Lead effectively a meeting

    ¥ The various roles to accept in order to lead a meeting

    ¥ How to get organized. Advises to optimize one's efficiency

    ¥ Build the agenda, the report

5. Optimize team motivation

    ¥ Theories of the motivation

    ¥ Create the conditions in favor of the motivation

    ¥ Identify the best behavior

    ¥ Get the support of the team

6. Manage difficult situations

    ¥ Identify the main causes of conflicts

    ¥ Promote new behavior by setting rules and leaning on the signs of recognition

    ¥ Encourage progress

7. Delegate successfully to optimize tean effectiveness

    ¥ Prepare the delegation : advantages Ð Limits and opportunities

    ¥ How to delegate and be successfull

    ¥ The stages of the interview and rules of the game of the delegation

Questionnaire to validate educational benefits

Organisme de Formation référençable DataDock Duration : 2 days
(14 hours training)

Rates : 2156€

Dates : 6 & 7 Feb. 2025 - 4 & 5 June 2025 - 11 & 12 Sept. 2025 - 9 & 10 Dec. 2025 or you choose the dates !

Place : Lyon - Paris - Toulouse

Code : ENG1505

Provider :
Isabelle Dreuilhe-Leiterer
Tél : 06 82 55 98 09

Formulaire d'inscription

Intitulé de la formation :

    Code :    Dates :    Nb. Jour :    Tarif :


Complément d'adresse 



Adresse du participant si différente de celle reprise ci-dessus :
Adresse du participant  Code postal 
Complément d'adresse   Ville  


La facture est à établir à l'ordre de :

Organisme collecteur
Complément d'adresse
Personne en charge du dossier Téléphone
Code Postal Fax
Ville E-mail

Commentaire :


Formation Balmont - 2bis Avenue Duchalay - 69130 Ecully - France - Tel. et Fax: +33(0) - GSM: +33(0) -
E-mail: -Skype: chantal_balmont - N¡ Formateur: 82690405369 - Siret: 37749791200024