Formation Balmont

Accueil > Formations > Training in english > Develop WIN/WIN relationships

Develop WIN/WIN relationships

Training objectives

Adapting negotiation style depending on personality traits.

Multiplying synergies in scenario-based training.

Negotiating by selecting the good strategy to develop.

Negotiating while developing the appropriate arguments using Transactional Analysis as a tool.


Senior Executives, managers, team leaders, project managers, sales managers.


Develop constructive relationships with transactional analysis

My relation to the others and the a-prioris

1. Presentation of the model transactional analysis

    „ Three Ego states

    „ Personal assessment

    „ Your personnel experiences to practice identifying transactions

    „ Asking the right questions

    „ Time structure

    „ Exploring your personality and the scripts

2. To decode the strokes

    „ The identification

    „ Understanding hidden transactions

    „ To avoid cross transactions

    „ How to develop positive transactions

    „ Their importance in the working world

    „ Send a positive message from a critical one

3. Reinforce positive thoughts in an attitude of "win-win"

    „ Identify life positions

    „ What role do I play in the "drama triangle?"

    „ Build dynamic relationships

4. Establishing a contract to change effectively

    „ The four conditions of Steiner

    „ Develop an action plan and update it during the training

Training exercises

Exercises, self-diagnosis. This work will be supported by theory lessons or instructions or guidance

Organisme de Formation référençable DataDock Duration : 2 days
(14 hours training)

Rates : 2156€

Dates : 6 & 7 Feb. 2025 - 22 & 23 May 2025 - 18 & 19 Sept. 2025 - 16 & 17 Dec. 2025 or you choose the dates !

Place : Lyon - Paris - Toulouse

Code : ENG1509

Provider :
Isabelle Dreuilhe-Leiterer
Tél : 06 82 55 98 09

Formulaire d'inscription

Intitulé de la formation :

    Code :    Dates :    Nb. Jour :    Tarif :


Complément d'adresse 



Adresse du participant si différente de celle reprise ci-dessus :
Adresse du participant  Code postal 
Complément d'adresse   Ville  


La facture est à établir à l'ordre de :

Organisme collecteur
Complément d'adresse
Personne en charge du dossier Téléphone
Code Postal Fax
Ville E-mail

Commentaire :


Formation Balmont - 2bis Avenue Duchalay - 69130 Ecully - France - Tel. et Fax: +33(0) - GSM: +33(0) -
E-mail: -Skype: chantal_balmont - NĄ Formateur: 82690405369 - Siret: 37749791200024