Formation Balmont

Accueil > Formations > Training in english > Effective Communication

Effective Communication

Educational methods

During this training, the participant transposes specific situations to become aware enough to go for change. The participant can freely express himself (herself) on one's capabilities and difficulties. He(she) quickly and efficiently integrates this training as practical exercises and various situation scenarios make it a positive model. Also video testimonials of managers from other companies allow to share the vision of the other managers / project managers.

Educational objectives

Better know each other, understand each other and understand our relations with the others
React quickly in interpersonal communication
Develop a declarative and constructive communication, quite particularly in not hierarchical Management
Train with new relational skills with the team, outside of the team and in Project management

Detailed Program

1. KNOW EACH OTHER and develop an objective of communication

    „ Structure a speech SMART

    „ Encircle one's own personality and the impact of its body language moves

    „ Auto diagnosis of one's relational style

    „ The different styles of communication

    „ Know the image sent back to the others

Practical exercise: present a constructive speech in the structuring

2. UNDERSTAND ONE'S RELATIONS with the OTHERS in not hierarchical Management / Project Management

    „ Identify one's "not declarative" basic attitudes

    „ Insisted on the positive aspects of them of life

    „ The dramatic triangle of Karpman: how go out of it?

    „ Six personality profiles in Process Communication for Project Managers

    „ Drivers and psychological needs

    „ To developp the relevance of questions with the Meta-model (NLP)

Auto diagnosis of its relational style and the dominant drivers

3. SET A DIALOGUE OF COOPERATION with the team and the other departments

    „ To give Facts from Opinions and how to manage our emotions ( F.O.E).

    „ To practice the active listening to take into account the values and the expectations of the speaker

    „ Keep heading of one's objective by controlling oneself and by asserting oneself without aggressiveness

    „ Technique of the DESC to carry on a touchy message and face the attempts of destabilization

    „ How to argue to convince with assertiveness

    „ Build long-lasting relations and give constructive feedbacks to one's team and outside the team

    „ Know how to ask, request help

    „ Know how to refuse tactfully while maintaining the relation

    Present positively one's ideas and manage the objections

Application exercise derived from the field: carry on a touchy message while keeping on being constructive

Organisme de Formation référençable DataDock Duration : 2 days
(14 hours training)

Rates : 2156€

Dates : 14 & 15 Jan. 2025 - 13 & 14 March 2025 - 5 & 6 June 2025 - 10 & 11 Sept. 2025 - 9 & 10 Dec. 2025 or you choose the dates !

Place : Lyon - Paris - Toulouse

Code : ENG1502

Provider :
Isabelle Dreuilhe-Leiterer
Tél : 06 82 55 98 09

Formulaire d'inscription

Intitulé de la formation :

    Code :    Dates :    Nb. Jour :    Tarif :


Complément d'adresse 



Adresse du participant si différente de celle reprise ci-dessus :
Adresse du participant  Code postal 
Complément d'adresse   Ville  


La facture est à établir à l'ordre de :

Organisme collecteur
Complément d'adresse
Personne en charge du dossier Téléphone
Code Postal Fax
Ville E-mail

Commentaire :


Formation Balmont - 2bis Avenue Duchalay - 69130 Ecully - France - Tel. et Fax: +33(0) - GSM: +33(0) -
E-mail: -Skype: chantal_balmont - NĄ Formateur: 82690405369 - Siret: 37749791200024